Trick To Solve Chess Puzzles Faster

Trick To Solve Chess Puzzles Faster

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  1. What if queen goes to f2 or e3? You have to take it. Then its only checkmate in 4 moves 💀💀

  2. I did this to my older brother. He called me stupid but he got checkmated in the next 2 moves.

  3. What about Qxb6? I mean, it doesn't lead to mate, but isn't black doing totally fine?

  4. it is m4 not m3, they should trow in a queen check

  5. “I always start with captures.”Levy Rosman wants to know your location

  6. Please tell whose move it is before showing wrong moves.

  7. So if queen takes knight then it's not checkmate in 3 moves is it?

  8. I wouldn’t have seen the knight I would have just taken the pawn with the queen and traded queens

  9. I would just push the pawn two times and move the knight

  10. Yeah absolutely a rook worth more than a king is what every chess shorts video is going to tell you now a days… Don't lose a rook, get checkmated

  11. Well, Qe2 or Qc1 can block the rook for a move but that's it. Can only be extended to 4 move mate.

  12. 1: Click “Draw”
    2: Click “Yes” to confirm that you want to draw with the opponent
    3: Opponent clicks “Yes” to draw the game

  13. Its not M3, Its M4 because if the opponent move his bishop he can stop te rook 1 move more 🤓

  14. Move queen to f, move peon so king can escape i think you are meh

  15. Why couldn't The Black Queen take the pawn on b6

  16. You can easily stop checkmate with moving rook instead of pawn.

  17. Wasn't this from the game with carlsen and rapport?

  18. Assuming that I did not see that, does black Qxb6, white Rxb6, and black Rxe1 win for Black?? or is it a draw? :0

    (Edit: ohhh, didn't see that white Rxa1 can happen, oops I need to learn more chess tactics <3)

  19. Its not a force mate after blacks Ra1 , white dont have to move pawn to b7 he have Rb4 protected by queen and if there is any Rh8 check Rook can block with Rh4

  20. chatgpt: bishop takes kight

  21. Wait so the best move would be to not take the knight at all?

  22. You have to know this FOCUS
    Here is the moves it starts with
    They don't know, they can't see this.
    Slight the quenn and take over the piece
    Resign now

  23. Can't you try a queen sac to deflect the black queen?

  24. Bro is focused on this position than on finding his dad

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