This Puzzle Just Blew My Mind – Insane Chess Problem

Puzzle FEN: 3nk3/p2R4/3P1Kp1/8/5p2/3bp3/3p4/8 w – – 0 1
Puzzle Details: B. Milosheski and Z. Mikhailowski (Macedonia)

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  1. It was fascinating, but I did not see it beyond the first two obvious moves, nor could I have made all the correct moves.

  2. I have a question. Instead of black promoting the pawn to a queen, what would happen if it moved the bishop to C4? White sacrifices the rook in the next move with check, black king has to capture the rook. Then white promotes the pawn to queen with check, now black will be able to block the check with bishop at G8 square, isn't it?

  3. Imagine calculating this in a 2000 elo bullet match πŸ’€

  4. Chess is more complex and deeper and my mind 😐

  5. When I was playing chess against somebody. The white seems to be winning, but he at the end made a mistake, which lead me ''15 moves'' to checkmate him

  6. King to E7 as first move of puzzle is mate….am I wrong?

  7. This is when as black you just want to end your chess career.

  8. Why not king g7 (black will most likely push pawn and promote) then rook e 7 checkmate

  9. Rook a7 is indeed good because then you do d7 and then your in a winning position

  10. queen on open board with exposed king can often let a skilled player maintain tempo long enough to force a mate

  11. 8:45 Call me stupid, but what happens if the black queen moves 1 tile to the left? 9:26 black queen between the 2 kings?

  12. I think I learned more about end game positioning in this one video than all the other resources I've seen. Of course there are endgames with no queens and just knights and pawns. But it's these sort repeated check opportunities that demonstrate how you can hang on without feeling compelled to resign.

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