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In this video lesson, GM Igor Smirnov will show you a funny chess puzzle that forced FIDE to change the rules of chess.
Tim Krabbé composed this puzzle in the year 1972, which was meant to be a mate in 3. It uses a loophole in the rules of the game that was present during those days. This eventually forced FIDE to change the rules. To be specific, it used the loophole called vertical castling.
Back then, the definition of castling was “It moves the king 2 squares towards the rook, while the rook takes the square that the king has crossed”. And because of this loophole, the castling rule was then updated such that the king and the rook are in the same rank (so that only horizontal castling is possible).
► Chapters
00:00 Funny Chess Puzzle
00:08 Composition by Tim Krabbé in 1972
00:24 Can you solve this puzzle?
01:16 FIDE changed the rules after this
02:00 (Vertical) long castling?!
03:00 Loophole in chess rules
03:10 Can you find the mate in 2?
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Never in my life I have heard of this strange castling demonstrated in this video.
Bishop literally anywhere is the solution
Cool chess stat
wait, is this puzzle from a real game? It's unclear if they're talking about fischer and spassky's game or just a specifically made puzzle for vertical castling
► Chapters
00:00 Funny Chess Puzzle
00:08 Composition by Tim Krabbé in 1972
00:24 Can you solve this puzzle?
01:16 FIDE changed the rules after this
02:00 (Vertical) long castling?!
03:00 Loophole in chess rules
03:10 Can you find the mate in 2?
What could be the notation for vertical castling? O-O-O-O-O-O? 🤔
can't find the mate in 2 ;(
Awesome keep it coming 👏 👌 👍 💯 💪 🙌
That's how the en passaint rule appeared?! I did not watch the vid yet 🙂
I guess it impossible, unless there was a rule of this kind: When promoted, the piece can be placed in every available square in the promotion column; so Rf1+ Kg2 Qe2#, or …Ke3 Qe2#
I’d call that more of a clarification than a change in the rules. I believe that the intention was always to have castling on the back rank and that the rule written simply omitted that assuming it was understood.
can we say that the rook moved when it was a pawn ?!
Mate in 2: Qe5+, Kb4, Qa5#. Correct?
I am new to your channel, and am a recent returnee to playing chess. Thank you for your videos.
<<Castling consists of moving the king two squares towards a rook, then placing the rook on the other side of the king, adjacent to it. It is not allowed to move both king and rook in the same time, because "Each move must be played with one hand only." Castling is only permissible if all of the following conditions hold:
– The king and rook involved in castling must not have previously moved;
– There must be no pieces between the king and the rook;
– The king may not currently be in check, nor may the king pass through or end up in a square that is under attack by an enemy piece (though the rook is permitted to be under attack and to pass over an attacked square);
– The castling must be kingside or queenside as shown in the diagram.>>
So this last item was introduced because of the loophole.
This puzzle is truly beautiful it's the kind of position on television one person will say check! and the other person will say checkmate!! Kd6!! Threatening Qb7 mate. Any check by Black's rook can be blocked by White's Bishop! Leaving mate by White's rook
the rook of the castle dont have the right to move before castle
that rook lost the right to castle
Puzzle solution ra1 then ra5 for mate.???
1. Kd6 leads to mate in 2 no matter what the black does.
1. Kd6 Rg6+ 2.Be6#
1. Kd6 Rd3+ 2.Bd5#
1. Kd6 c5 2. Qb7#
1. Kd6 Kb6 2. Bc2#
I owned Tim Krabbé's book, it was hilarious!
Hmm I'm thinking Ba4+ (double check).
King has to go to A5 or a6, after which Bb5#.
But Slav Kevin seems to have another solution.
When I saw the underpromotion, I had a feeling it was going to have to do with castling rules. I still didn't get it.
Nice! I didn't see that comming
cheating..you must say king is not castled yet 😀 nah nah good sorry illegal puzzle grrrr failed
That rook did move already during the game! It used to be on the side of the board or at another table.
me explaining to the arbiter that en passant is forced
King d6, black rook d3 check to white forced/anyother move is checkmate due to queen b7,whote bishop to d5 blocking check and giving instant checkmate
I’m glad you highlighted this vertical castling rule that was made obsolete. I was drain on a puzzle some years ago and that was the solution: to vertically castle.
Bishop to d5 or e6 or f7 is the checkmate in the given puzzel.
Puzzle Answer:
Ra4, Qb4/Qd7…
Solution of puzzle: Qe5+ Kb4 (only move) Qa5#
Puzzle Answer
Ba5+ Ka6 Bxc6#
Thanks for this funny puzzle !
Bxf7 is mate in 1 at the end:)) if I did the math right
1. Q e5+ does not work because of c5 blocking check.
therefore you need to play: 1. Ra5+ Kxa5 and 2.Qa3# thats how you do it there is no other way
Puzzle Answer
1 – kd6 …….
anything mat coming
Igor; Tell these people i'm correct on this one.
Ra4, and now there's two mates black has to prevent: Bc2 and Qb4…..if he bring Rg4, then Bc2….and if his bishop takes b1 then game over with Qb4….
Q-e5ch, K-b4: Q-a5 mate. If P-c5 then Bxf7 mates by discovered check.
Puzzle solution?
Ra1 with threat Ra5
I’ve never heard of vertical castling, and that’s interesting that FIDE needed to change the rules to prevent its occurrence. 😊
Great puzzle, great anecdote! Thanks.
Bxb1 stops a “discovered checkmate” by moving the white bishop first. Hmm 🤔
the solution is 1-Ra4 and mate next