The Mushroom’s Chess Puzzle – Episode 10

πŸ‘‰πŸ½ Say hello to 1500 ELO πŸ“ˆ

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Puzzle FEN:
8/3p4/8/p2PBp2/5P2/1p1K1P1p/ppp1N3/kb6 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
Richter, 1951

πŸ‘š Merch:

0:00 – Story
0:57 – Chess Puzzle
7:42 – More story

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  1. What a lovely smothered checkmate zugzwang puzzle…me personally I'd have ended up with a silly stalemate. 🀣🀣

  2. At 4:43, kxb3 doesn't work because qe3 pins the bishop to the king and there's no checkmate threat. It's a common technique, where a pawn is used for the king to be hidden from checks, and at this certain position, from the pin.

  3. must now wonder; will they get off the island and go home like they want, or will capablanca send them on the quest to one of the other dozen or so locations to complete this fancy map? time will tell. cant wait. love the saga of the 3 fishermen

  4. Is the conclusion that Capablanca lives nowhere?

  5. So far it's been 10 amazing episodes, here is what we know.
    There are 3 fishermen, first one being Peter patzer, the second one was Average Joe, and the last one wad Bobby Fischer. They are all friends, with one exception, Bobby has the highest elo with estimation of 2800, Joe has a elo with estimation of 1400, and Peter has the lowest elo with approximately 700 elo. They were first seen stuck on an island, where another fisherman appeared. He had 2 boats however he could only take one of them. Bobby got the boat and we didn't hear from the other 2 until episode 3. Bobby solved the sea monsters chess puzzle while sailing. And was suddenly swallowed by a whale with his 2 friends. They solved a puzzle and got out. Basically the rest is solving puzzles and going south. Going through crystal caves and now is in enchanted garden with a talking mushroom

  6. They are getting closer to then end πŸ™ i dont want it to end πŸ™


  8. Very impressed with how consistent the story is, the quality of the puzzles, and getting a new one every day too. Well done Nelson – you are absolutely nailing this!

  9. You know ur desperate when u start asking mushrooms for advice

  10. Why would you trust a glowing, talking mushroom?

  11. It just seems cruel at this point that Bobby Fischerman and his friends are subjected to so many puzzles. How is this legal? What country is this island located in?

  12. Catching stockfishes on Hikaru's ceiling πŸ’€

  13. So bobby fischerman is so good at chess because he caught so many stockfishes

  14. this man has somehow set up like 50 cool and unique video ideas using only one fantasy map, and a handful of situations
    very respectable

  15. At this point I’m watching as much for the story as the puzzles 😁 can’t wait for the Netflix adaptation!

  16. My over thnkng mind is stuck on how unusual the puzzle is. Like how can black's King be castleD in White's territory? I know it's Just a puzzle πŸ™†

  17. Can’t the king also take on B3 for the 2nd to last move??

  18. ❀❀❀❀love πŸ˜‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š

  19. At the first stalemate position couldnt the queen have taken the Knight and with that stoped the checkmate as well

  20. Back to their normal life of catching stockfishes πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  21. The journey becomes more and more compelling O_O
    yet another great puzzle

  22. I don't care if they ever get off this island. I am enjoying the story and the puzzles so much I hope they stay there!

  23. i thought the guy name was hikaru

  24. What about this line? 1. K-c3 P-c1(Q)+ 2.NxQ PxN(Q)+ 3.KxP+ Q-b2+ 4. BxQ++

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