The Mushroom’s Chess Puzzle – Episode 10

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Puzzle FEN:
8/3p4/8/p2PBp2/5P2/1p1K1P1p/ppp1N3/kb6 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
Richter, 1951

👚 Merch:

0:00 – Story
0:57 – Chess Puzzle
7:42 – More story

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  1. Missed the zugzwang in the final position (from a distance), so rejected Kc4 as too slow :(.

  2. Simpler puzzle and still great. I look forward to these, thanks for delivering daily, I know it’s a lot of work.

  3. Not sure, that it was very hard for Capablanca to escape the island in his times.

  4. him : its kinda a smothered checkmate with the bad word chop 720 th liker

  5. Please do more of these story puzzles 🧩 love them a lot

  6. That is absolutely a king mushroom in the bottom left corner!

  7. Surprised they were able to solve the puzzle while high on mushrooms. Because if the mushrooms are talking to you, you're high.

  8. They are talking to giant glowing mushrooms. The giant glowing mushrooms are talking back. I believe that the little old lady put magic shrooms in their meal and they are all tripping. 😂😂
    Great puzzle. I just couldn't resist the magic mushrooms joke.

  9. Bro your stories are better than of William Shakespeare 😀😀

  10. One of my favourite chess series on Youtube rn!

  11. Catching stockfishes 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  12. I found all the moves for black but only the first to third moves for white.

  13. Damn I hate it when im walking in the woods and a giant glowing mushroom forces me to solve a chess puzzle

  14. You missed a defending line for black..

  15. If Black is not playing d6 and going for the h1Q following Qxf3 .. then what?? No winning line for the White I think..

  16. This is amazing King hunting checkmate puzzle. White mate black in 10 moves.
    I make this my own.

    Ke5, Nc7, Ng6, Nc2, Nd2, pawn is b4, c5, d6, d5, d4, e6, e4, e2, f6, f4, f2, g5, g3, g2, h5, h4, h3

    Nc6+ Kf5
    Nbxd6+ Kg4
    Nxf6+ Kf3
    Nxd2+ Ke3
    Nxd5+ exd5
    Nf5+ Kd3
    Nxc5+ Kc3
    Qxb4+ Nxb4
    Na4+ Kd3

  17. I could be missing something, but first move as Kc4 seems simpler. Black still has to do a4 to protect the b pawn, then Kb4 with the idea of Ka3 and Bxb2#. Black can stall by pushing the d pawn or promote the h pawn but we get mate immediately after promotion.

  18. I am so excited by the story and puzzles as well. I really enjoy it. Please consider to continue as long as you have ideas. Respect

  19. Mushrooms in the enchanted forest, a.k.a a music festival

  20. Hey man great video! I think it would be cool if the puzzles were given with some context. For example, instead of having the mushroom king say "before I tell you where to go, you need to solve this puzzle," you could have him say "I've been having trouble with this puzzle for years now, if you help me solve it, I'll help you find who you need." It's a small change that would help add to the sense that the fisherman are completing quests on their adventure.

    Really enjoying the content though, you're easily my favorite chess channel on youtube!

  21. Wait I solved it? Okay Nc1 looks forsed a4 too. Now my idea is checkmate on b2 I go with Kc3 h2 Kb4 h1Q Ka3 Qc1 and now I have d6. Wait wait. 2)… – d6 3)Bd6-h2 4)Ba3 Hope it right, or less idea is right..
    Ohh Qh8 is beatiful idea I didn't see it

  22. I love your puzzles❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😎💛💚💙💜🤎🖤💌💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣💔❤🧡🤍💯🐵🎈🩲

  23. at 6:32, couldn't white just play Bf6 rather than taking the queen, forcing black to make a queen move out of the position where it is defending against both threats?

  24. Wait is bobby fisherman named after bobby Fischer or is that just a coincidence?

  25. Would love to see the proof game, plenty of pawn captures by black (I count at least 9) but there are enough missing white pieces for it to be legal.

  26. What's wrong with 1. Bxb2+? It stops immediate promotion on c1. Sure it's captured by …Kxb2 – but I'm not stockfish and I go 1 move deep ;-).

  27. Oh please let there be some retrograde puzzles coming!

  28. After black pawn to d6, why not Knight d3? So 2: Nd3 a3 (else Bxb2 #) 3: Kxb3 h2 4: Kxa3 h1 promotes to queen then Bxb2 #. Does that work?

  29. 7:21 couldnt the queen have taken the pawn on f3 and stop the plan but this time before the bishop is in time to block of the queen?

  30. Chess Vibes

    Love love love your videos.

    Think this would be a good/great challenge for all.

    If you had 3/4 chess puzzles all to be draws, bar one. And people/viewers would have to guess which one/puzzle would win, and who would win in it. (Chess Vibes) White or black.

  31. I liked the puzzle, but I wish Nelson had discussed the possible king moves at the beginning and why they lose.

  32. Imagine how cool would be if the fisherman found Mikhail Tal in the island with some awesome sacrifice puzzle.

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