ππ½ Say hello to 1500 ELO π
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Puzzle FEN:
5bb1/2K4k/8/6P1/1BB5/8/8/8 w – – 0 1
Puzzle Details:
Martin van Essen, 2004
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ππ½ Say hello to 1500 ELO π
π Play Chess Here:
Puzzle FEN:
5bb1/2K4k/8/6P1/1BB5/8/8/8 w – – 0 1
Puzzle Details:
Martin van Essen, 2004
π Merch:
Links are affiliate links and help support the Chess Vibes channel via a commission.
yes white is winning :Bd3+,Kh8,Bxf8
4:38 what if Bf7+?
Bobby Fisherman, lol
After white goes bishop to King, to, black goes bishop the bishop to
Would not these "can white win questions" be more interesting if from time to time white did not.
I enjoy this….
by moving the bishop to c3
bro there was checkmate when black's king was on h8
Get criss cross applesauced 6:35
2:13 i fail to understand why you cant just walk the king out further and skewer.
It be possible to mate with 2 bishops only
To me, looks like a White win
But if you take the white bishop and then the black bishop, you can make it in time to defend the pawn. Black king ends up on g6 and white's on f4.
BOBBY! I've missed you SO much!
(squishy hug)
Surely a horse's puzzle should involve knights?
Is called the horseβs chess puzzle, yet there is not a single horse on the board at any point in the puzzle
Lyinβ Nelson
Bro, after Bg8 takes bishop, Kg8 retakes, Bf7 takes bishop, Kg8 retakes, king has enough moves to protect the pawn. Am i wrong? Or the question here is that the king can just ignore the bishop at f7
Itβs been a long time since another episode
What if black plays Bf7 in end
edit: oh i see our bishop will be lost
Wait a minute, what it after Be2 black responds with ..BF6? White might Bxf6, then ..Bd5, g7..Kf7
I stared at it for probably 25 minutes and FINALLY figured it out
Love this β€
Why cant black go Bf7, after Be2?
Bro found the real life fortnite map π
4:54 Bishop to h7 anywhere the king moves,you can take the black bishop and next you push the pawn and when the king takes the white bishop,you take the black bishop and bring your king to support the pawn owl why it didn't explain to the video pls answer this
3:40 doesn't Bh7 work?
On move 3 Black Bishop to c5 instead of e7 and that way the White King can not take it, would that stop this solution?
at 2:15 Kh8 is just mate btw
Who created this sweet map?
Be2 is a cheater move
The old man looks a little like Sam Elliott.
Ironic that the horsemen puzzle does not have any horses on the board
I can't get through this… series.
What if after 6:00 black bishop g8 to f7?
Is this any chess application?
4:37 What if Bf7+? Won't that work? Since after king takes bishop, Bxf6 guards pawn and if he takes bishop again, then queen promotes. On the other hand, if he blocks pawn instead of taking dark bishop, Ke7 will force other king to h7, which will allow white to protect pawn in next move.
At 4:37 could white not just play bishop h7 w check. If the king takes the bishop white takes blacks bishop while still defending the pawn. If the king moves to f7 we promote to a queen with our light squared bishop still guarding the new queen. We then checkmate w a queen up
When white plays bishop to e2 couldnt black move the white squared bishop to f7 sacrificing it to prevent checkmate?
After the position mentioned at 4:38 minute, instead Bxf6 move, Bh7 check will give better win. If king takes white bishop capturing Black bishop and protecting pawn will give win. If King moves to f7 immediate promotion of pawn to queen will give win and if king moves to g5 for supporting bishop and escape of check, now chance to promote pawn to queen and next step capturing black bishop will give win.
That is kinda weird horse, ngl
i somehow found Bc3β¦
4:50 what if you moved bishop to g7 and if he captures then you take the other bishop?
Sorry if my english is bad im spanish
First nelsonπ
this series is so fun to watch π
Be2 was so fascinating move! Weird but powerful. Bobby Fischerman is better than my grandpa.