0:00 – Story
0:50 – Puzzle
11:01 – More story
Puzzle FEN:
k1b5/Pp1p1ppp/1P1P1P1P/5p1K/5P2/3p1P2/8/2N5 w – – 0 1
Puzzle Details:
A. Rusz and S. Hornecker, 2008
3:04 Why should the King take the pawn? Just sidestep the King, let the black pawn head down, you get with your own pawn a queen earlier and can deliver the checkmate.
3:04 Why should the King take the pawn? Just sidestep the King, let the black pawn head down, you get with your own pawn a queen earlier and can deliver the checkmate.
@3:06: Why would you take the pawn? Just move your king to e7 or g8 and it's mate in 3.
3:05 why not : not take the pawn and let our pawn become queen ?
Third. Damn
Good video though
That's right, woodchuck-chuckers, it's GROUNDHOG DAY!
I hope Bobby reunites with Peter and Joe in a few episodes…