The Greatest Forgotten Chess Puzzle

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Puzzle FEN:
2b5/4R3/5P2/5k2/5p1B/7P/ppp3P1/4K2R w K – 0 1

Puzzle Details:

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  1. This position would never occur in an actual game. How did the white king and kingside rook manage to avoid moving the whole game while Black managed to advance three black pawns to the second rank? Regardless, good puzzle.

  2. "En passant is always forced"
    ~Magnus Carlsen~

  3. After one year! I just saw the video.πŸ˜‰What about Bishop move to C1 @ 6:00I

  4. u Ww ming to d2, handle rhe pawns and move on to checkmate. still new, is that a viable strategy? asking someone smarter lol

  5. 9/10 puzzle purely because black's first move is en passant although i have to deduct a point for the lategame castle that's cursed

  6. Love the cadtling idea but its hard to know if it isnt stated that the king has never moved

  7. I’m getting better at these. I actually called most of these moves

  8. i got all the moves except the castling. who would ever think this late in the game that castling would still be possible. kind of a trick puzzle. shoulda been mentioned at the beginning that castling is still an option this late in the game

  9. Would have had this the first time if I knew that White had Castling available. Might be my fault but I would have assumed castling was not possible this late in the game.

  10. Should have told us in the beginning that white hasn’t castled. How are we supposed to know when looking for white’s next move?

  11. But there is no condition in this problem to determine whether either the rook or king for white has moved already. We don't know whether we can castle.

  12. Unfair analysis. At this point in the game I have no idea that the king and rook never moved. So a castle move would be highly unlikely although still possible.

  13. what about en-pesant with that first move for black

  14. Did not see this one. Got distracted by the pawns and tried to figure out how to stop them…Lol

  15. If castling is available in what's approaching an endgame, it should be stated up front.

  16. Wasnt aware the king hasnt move to allow castling.

  17. This 76 year old remembers my favorite puzzle where both kings were almost totally locked into their respective back two ranks and the drawing side had to β€œ match” squares with the side trying to win…. I loved that long lost puzzle.

  18. There is a much easier solution, Rock to f5 while bishop is in g5 and king in h5 is the key, you don't need to castle in that position.

  19. en-passant was made by some cry-baby prince somewhere in time I hate that candy-ass move…Played chess back in the boonies and never knew it even existed until i got on the computer….. so I do not accept or play it!!!

  20. The king side castle is dirty. Because, we don't know if it's still available.

  21. Who is the composer of this study?

  22. It should have been stated at the start that white had not castled yet.

  23. 5:42 well why doesnt white play rook to f7 protecting his queen and stopping the pawns?

  24. And they said castling early is good! I got deceived :((((

  25. i am a 1002 and got 80% of them right. im proud of myself

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