The Different Types of Chess Puzzles

NM Dan Heisman describes different types of chess puzzles: 1) Play and Win 2) Play and Mate 3) Play and Mate in N 4) Play and Draw 5) Play and Save the Game & 6) Others

NM Dan Heisman has been a full-time chess instructor since 1996 and is the author of 12 chess books, the TV show “Q&A with Coach Heisman” on and the radio show “Ask the Renaissance Man” on the Internet Chess Club. Radio personality Howard Stern was one of Dan’s students. Dan tries to answer comments on YouTube but for a quicker, more comprehensive answer (or questions about lessons), contact Dan via email, skype, or phone via Dan’s website . His Chess Tip of the Day is @danheisman on Twitter, which won the award for “Best Twitter Feed” in 2021 from the Chess Journalists of America. #Chess #ImproveChess #ChessInstruction #ChessThinking #ChessImprovement #InstructiveChess #ChessEvaluation #WinChess #ChessLessons #ChessPuzzles #ChessProblems #ChessAnalysis


  1. I am dropping by after a long time and great to see you still providing amazing content. Just a small pedagogical nitpick. @7:44 instead of Kf8 which mates in 4, black can delay the mate by one more move 🙂 by playing Re5 (sacking his rook) and then Kf8. That way the e file is blocked for the other white rook to access 🙂 But the same idea of Bf6 eventually works with the other rook now taking charge over the d file instead of e file.

  2. Nice video. Thanks for the thorough explanation and fun puzzles too. Also falling in the "Other" category are: 1. selfmate, in which White to move finds a way to force Black to mate him in a certain number of moves; 2. helpmate, in which both colors are cooperating to deliver a mate within a certain number of moves; 3. retrograde analysis puzzles, where a position is shown, and you can deduce something about the history of the game, such as the fact that one of the pieces on the board must be a promoted piece.

  3. @15:00 (A pedagogical nitpick🙂, hope you don't mind!), White could also promote to a rook and prompt the entire same sequence. Also, @15:15, what is more interesting is that 2.f6 is the only move 🙂

  4. Interesting set of puzzles! The last puzzle could be made even more interesting by stating white to move and *GET MATED IN 2*! Now howzat!?%$ 🙂

  5. In a mate in n problem n does not have to be a small integer. I think the world record for a legal position without promoted pieces is mate in 257 moves.

  6. The problem by Chéron is: André Chéron, Hamburgischer Correspondent July 13, 1930, Matt in 3

  7. The problem at 21:27 is a famous problem by the great German problem composer Karl Fabel published in the magazine Rätselstunde in 1952.

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