This brilliant chess puzzle is considered to be one of the best endgames studies (1947) ever composed by a Soviet chess master and problemist Vladimir Bron. White is winning!
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4:28 why black does not play Qc1?
1:07 why not Qxg2?
Damn that's pretty complex.
About 30 moves, and not one refutation? Amazing
Sutchkie ceeks and doone dutchkie ceeks
That is probably the best puzzle I've ever seen! Also, are you Armenian? Your accent and name sound Armenian.
Seeing this moves is amazing!
best position i have ever seen by far. If there was an ELO system in composing this is going beyond 3000 easily
Fantastic!!!How would you calculate it all playing?
Amazing puzzle !!
Thanks Suren! Another brilliant puzzle explained brilliantly!!
This is an extraordinary puzzle. Great commentary as always Suren!
4:36 Qxc4 if bishop takes its a draw if pawn takes pawn on e7 with check then white is winning after queening I guess
Rook C2, King C8
Pawn D8, Pawn H1– both promote to Queens
Queen B6, King A8
Rook A2, Bishop A5
Rook A5, Checkmate
A brilliant puzzle. Surely took an incredibly wise man to compose this.
could have been solved a lot easily when Q came to c6, simple Rook to D4 check and then the rest is easy
Why not rook on C2 check, and then promote pawn to queen? 🙂
Why is it always white to move?? Black are bad guys? That's racist.
This is OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!!!
4:36 Re4 winning?
What is a temple?
La dificultad de este problema se va al carajo, mal.
That's a great puzzle. Not taking the Queen sacrifice right away and avoiding the stalemate is simply brilliant!
Here If I want to play Q*c4 than this game should be draw. Timing of video is 4:39
This puzzle is of another level. Just amazing.
0:16 the static made me jump SO much. ahhhhh
If rook to b7?then king to c6 or d6 and white will promote his pawn to a queen…at first o
2:48 If Qxc4, then after Bxc4, can white win?
Super puzzle with many tempos and square misplaced by pieces
Stockfish found a kind of refuation! At 2:10 kxf5 works, it is a complex line though!
Amazing puzzle, maybe the greatest in chess history.
well black could eat the rook and u cant push the pawn because of black pawn
Incredible brilliancy.
Thank you Suren!!!🤗💪🖖🏼
rook B7- king C6/D6 – pawn promotes to there a way for black to prevent checkmate??
Nice puzzle!
This was so complex that I couldn't have possibly solved it
If the last black move would be ….Dxc4 it's a draw anyway, isn't it?
More a collection of puzzles than one puzzle on itself. So rich! So complex! So brillant and intelligent! So unlike my neighbour…..
0:16 earrape
Thanks, Suren. Quite complex and interesting. I spent two days examining this puzzle and could only get about half of it right. Had to pause/peek at the moves on numerous occasions. Sorry to say, I failed the part about Kf7 tempo, but did manage to find most of the other key moves. But in a real game I probably would have lost if playing the white pieces. Finding the correct line throughout is really tricky. So many ways to screw it up and you need all perfect moves to win. That's the beauty of a great chess puzzle!