Mate in two checkmates can be challenging, even for chess Grandmasters! In this video we cover 5 of the hardest mate in two chess puzzles that only Grandmasters can solve, including a composition by Paul Morphy.
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I guess I'm a grandmaster, because I solved all of them (except Morphy's problem, which I knew) in about 10 minutes. Also, I disagree that these are difficult, because they have themes which make it easy to guess the move. Also starting with a check is usually unusual for good problems. I find that the hardest problems are the ones in which no clear thematic idea exists and finding solution requires a complete search. Finally, anyone beyond the beginner stage should be able to solve any two move chess problem.
1st-rh6 gxh6 g7#
2nd -rc3 (b3 rxc4#)bxc3 bc2#
I'm maybe a solid intermediate player, but I think I got the first one in a few minutes. I wouldn't see it though unless I knew it was solvable. But, I look forward to the rest.
Im an intermediate player and found a solution for all of these mostly somewhere between 5-20 secs. Although most of my solutions were different from the video but still led to forced mates. So idk mate these really aint that hard imo
Nice puzzles. Did you report that castle bug to Lichess? Would hate to have mate in 2 in a real game and not be able to pull it off because of a bug 😆
found the first one, soo proud, very impressive by 10yo morphy although he was a super genius.
Zugzwang is pronounced "tsoogtswong", not "soogswong".
At 3:30, after king is forced to take on f8, just move queen to f6 and it's checkmate for white no? What am I missing here
Bro u messup at last puzzle . That is
1.Qd2 Nxd2
2.kxd2 1-0
Mate. 😅 this work because opponent will never miss the chance to capture a queen
Puzzle 1: move rook to ANY square on h file wins
In the last puzzle… Black can Always avoid tò.be Checkmated in 2!!!
First puzzle… what about Ke7? Black has to move the bishop, the Rxh7
Si Pxa6 Pb7++
Si A.. TxA7++
saw the thumbnail, its rook h6
sincerely yours
-not a grandmaster
easy rook h6
In the last puzzle, after black plays Na3, Kd2 is also checkmate (N no longer prevents that)
Clickbait! These are 1900 elo level puzzles, not for grandmasters! Unsubscribe!
Only one piece rook makes sense to move anywhere next there is only one square it can move to that stops h pawn from moving forward that would clearly allow black to last longer then 2 moves…
Zugzwang, German pronunciation tsook-tsvahng thanks 😀
@3:27 I think a second mate in two solution is: Qg6 prepares for pxe8# double checkmate with no effective black response. Qxf7# if black's queen tries to stop it.
I was so befuddled until I watched the video and noticed the rook in the bottom right. Then it was easy af.
That's not true. I got a rating of 1720 and solved it.
No, I solved this position in seconds. I am a study composer and have solved many, many much more difficult puzzles.
Any master can solve it.