INSANE Mate In 2! ♚ Crazy Chess Puzzle ♖ Improve Your Chess

#Chess #ChessPuzzles #LogicPuzzles #ChessforCharity #childfund #Puzzles
In this video, I show an amazing chess puzzle. Try your best to figure it out! Be sure to stay connected for more chess content! 🙂
Shared by @ThePawnslayerChessVideos
FEN – r1nrn1q1/RP1P1P1R/3k2P1/1P2N3/6P1/2Q5/B7/K7 w – – 0 1

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  1. solution – without telling you why all the moves you've ruled out don't work
    1. fxg8(N) and black can't stop
    2. Nf7#

  2. hello im here to say that i have lost interest in chess but i still like your videos

  3. I would have solved it, if there was no pawn on d7

  4. FxG8 Queen, i can't see how black can stop Queen E6 and/or D5 checkmate.

  5. While the solution presented in the video is nice, it is not unique: there is another first move (not with the knight) to make a mate in two. fxgQ! Depending on the next move of the black pieces, the mate will be either Qd5# or Qe6#.

  6. How much pieces of brain can you lose for you to be able to hang those many pieces at once

  7. Thanks for sharing the puzzle! It is truly insane 🙂

  8. I did find the first move, but missed some obvious places the king could go to. Nice one! 😊

  9. at 4:36 I don't understand what is preventing Queen to c6. Isn't that checkmate? What I am missing?

  10. Great puzzle, CC. I tried for a few hours and gave up. When you gave the hint that it was a knight move, I correctly guessed Nc4+ but it still took me about 15 minutes to write out all the variations and prove to myself that it worked.

  11. Out of curiosity, another 2 move mate for white is queen B4 where the king is forced to C7, then B7 pawn to C8 capture for a queen is mate right? Because the D7 pawn covers the queen, and that’s double check from the rook and the queen. Is this another way for 2 way mate?

  12. I founder mate in 2 at the half of video and it was different than this

  13. Wouldn't pawn to b8, promote to a knight, then after black moves, couldn't you move queen to c6 Check?
    Edit: ohhh I seee

  14. 2:20 How's that queen move a mate? The king can still move to e6.

  15. f 7x Q promote to queen. Qg8 – e6 mate.

  16. the last checkmate you show is not a checkmate because king can capture rook

  17. estoy buscando el libro en pdf de Pawel Dobrinetsky – Mate in 2 movimientos el que lo tenga porfavor podria pasarme el link

  18. Took me a full hour to get this

  19. Super cool problem. Never seen such a problem. Also after 1.Nc4+ to find the mate took me a minute!

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