#Chess #ChessPuzzles #LogicPuzzles #ChessforCharity #UNICEF
In this video, the goal is to figure out where to put the pawn between f2 and g2. To do this, one must figure out where the pieces were captured and how the current pawn structure came about. If you want to see more retrograde puzzles, let me know! Be sure to subscribe for more chess content!
Thank you!
Sample game to get there (not the most efficient):
1. Nc3 Nf6 2. Ne4 h5 3. Nd6+ exd6 4. Rb1 Be7 5. Ra1 Nd5 6. Rb1 Bf6 7. Nf3 Nc3 8.
dxc3 Qe7 9. Be3 Nc6 10. Bc5 dxc5 11. Qd4 Ne5 12. Qb4 cxb4 13. Rd1 Qd6 14. Rd5
Qe6 15. Ra5 Qd6 16. Ra3 bxa3 17. Nd2 Nc4 18. Nb3 Qb4 19. Nd4 Qc5 20. Nc6 dxc6
21. Kd1 Be6 22. Kc1 Nb6 23. Kb1 Bb3 24. cxb3 Na4 25. bxa4 Qe5 26. Kc2 Rd8 27.
Kb1 Rd3 28. exd3 Qg5 29. Be2 h4 30. Bf3 h3 31. Bd5 hxg2 32. Bc4 g1=N 33. Ba6
bxa6 34. Kc2 Nf3 35. Re1+ Ne5 36. Re4 Be7 37. Rb4 Bd6 38. Rb6 cxb6 39. h4 Nd7
40. h5 Nf6 41. h6 Ng8 42. h7 Bb4 43. cxb4 Qf4 44. hxg8=N Qg5 45. Nh6 Qg6 46. Ng4
Qe6 47. Ne3 Qd5 48. Kd2 Qe5 49. Nc2 Qf5 50. Nd4 Qh5 51. Ke1 Qh4 52. Nb5 cxb5 53.
Kd2 Qd4 54. Ke1 Qc4 55. dxc4 O-O