How to Solve Chess Puzzles #9

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I share my thoughts while trying to solve 3 chess puzzles.



  1. I got thrown off by the last one, thinking all these puzzles must end in winning, didn't know drawing was an option. So I was looking more at f6 but saw it made clearance for the dark squares to protect the h8 square, so couldn't be it. nice puzzle on the last one.

  2. that last puzzle was a cool one! forced stalemate… on yourself!

  3. saw stalemate in 3rd! so proud of myself! ng8 such a strong threat!

  4. Great work Jerry on seeing the stalemate ,looking forward to more!

  5. Finally went 3 for 3! Took me some time to find 3. Kg2 from the beginning, but realized Bf2# would be unstoppable. I love these tactics videos, keep em coming!

  6. 2 out of 3 for me – missed that stalemate at the end.

    Jerry, I like the way you've started to bring up the analysis board to show the variations.

  7. 1st puzzle opening caro kann main line with kings on Q side and white pawn on h5?

  8. I would never ever though on a stale mate there.

  9. Hey Jerry. My opinion about your question on the opening of the first puzzle  is that it may have been some type of Caro Kann where the bishop comes to f5 then g6 then gets kicked h7. The pawn structure looks like is could have been formed from that. But I don't see castles queenside from black and white much in that one =) Those are my thoughts anyways.

  10. im sharing the third puzzle with my group of students tomorrow 🙂 great work!!! 

  11. I know for a fact the first puzzle is from a caro-kann. I don't know, maybe it's because I played the white side of that game 😉

  12. Jerry, these videos are always great and informative, but have you thought of using ChessTempo for puzzles?  The big advantage is that there's no timer, so you don't lose points for taking your time to really analyze a position and find the best move.  I kind of feel like with the timer encourages players to just make any move and not necessarily the best – like blitz chess vs regular.  Just my thoughts.  Thanks for the vid!

  13. what about Nd7+,  Ke4, F6, Gxf6, Nxf6+   IF Ke5, Ng8 blocks for pawn promotion and dark square bishop can't cover H8.  IF Kd3 to allow bishop to cover h file, then Ng8, Be5, Kf5, Ba1 = longer draw variation? because if rook rotates to H-file, king can block on g6? 

    Its worth noting, that if black didn't recapture fx6 AND move king to d3 black would lose.. i think.  BUT if black did, then it would promote 

    if black moves d5-d4 on move 6. it also blocks bishop line and allows white to promote
    ** white loses, but black had to not make a mistake
    1.Nd7+ Ke4 2.f6gx f6 3.Nxf6+ Kd3 4.Ng8 Be5 5.Kf5 Ba1 6.Ke6 Kxe3 7.Kf7 Be5 8.Ke6 Ke4 9.Nf6+ Bxf6 10.Kxf6 Rh8 11.Kg7 Ra8 12.h8=Q Rxh8 13.Kxh8 d4 14.Kg7 d3 15.Kf6 d2 16.Kg5 d1=Q

    ^^^ there could be a few missed moves in there, but it's a thought 🙂

  14. I'm sorry, I'm not too familiar with formal chess titles and such. What does a self-taught national master mean in your description? Is it something that the country or national chess in your country award you? I've heard of other titles, just not this one. Thanks.

  15. The opening of the first puzzle could be Caro-Kann, Classical Variation 

  16. Do you say that you hate calculating stuff because you love it?? To self motivate yourself?! Hahahaha.. lol. 😂😂

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