Daily Chess Puzzle no.81 #shorts

#shorts #chess #puzzles #chesslover #magnuscarlsen #chesstok #chesspuzzle #lichess #chesscom


  1. I thought night captures g3 checkmate LOL, then I realised u put yourself in check.

  2. There was a mate in one with the knight going into g3

  3. I’m sitting here like knight to g3 has to be the first move and watching his sac for no reason😂

  4. Rock h1 taks the pawn
    King H2 taks the rock Q h8 chick
    Bishop H3 cover the chik and Q H3 chik mate

  5. Rock h1 taks the pawn
    King H2 taks the rock Q h8 chick
    Bishop H3 cover the chik and Q H3 chik mate

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