Daily Chess Puzzle no.350 #shorts 07.04.2024 #shorts #chess #puzzles #chesslover #magnuscarlsen #chesstok #chesspuzzle #chessopening #chesstrap #lichess #chesscom Post navigation PreviousNext One Comment why king can't go in g7 instread of taking the rook?I know it is not the best move at all for black but if he does so, the mate in 4 is still possible in another way or mate in less than 4? Reply Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.
Daily Chess Puzzle no.350 #shorts 07.04.2024 #shorts #chess #puzzles #chesslover #magnuscarlsen #chesstok #chesspuzzle #chessopening #chesstrap #lichess #chesscom
why king can't go in g7 instread of taking the rook?I know it is not the best move at all for black but if he does so, the mate in 4 is still possible in another way or mate in less than 4? Reply
why king can't go in g7 instread of taking the rook?I know it is not the best move at all for black but if he does so, the mate in 4 is still possible in another way or mate in less than 4?