Watch this video to learn chess notation:
Find the best moves for the chess puzzle.
Solving chess puzzles is an excellent way for learning chess and get familiar with advanced chess positions and improve your chess tricks, chess tactics and chess strategies.
These puzzles were selected from advanced chess positions played by grand masters and chess masters and included lots of checkmate moves and chess traps.
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Watch this video to learn chess notation:
Rook on d7 take queen on d7 ;.;
rook a1 rook takes a1 rook e1 checkmate
Queen e7
Rook on e8 after white rook take you take the queen (and exchange rooks
Rook d3 takes
Finding a dad
queen b6 I'm noob just random guess
Bqckrank mates
Rxd3 Qxd8 Rxd8 Rc1 Rc8
D1 rook check mate
Rxd3 using opponent's weak backrank
rook e1 wins queen
Rook e6 to e8 he take my rook and with my other rook y win the queen
Rook takes d3
Queen to e7 attacking the white queen and building a batterie and ready to checkmate if he takes the Queen we take with rook and build again a batterie, if he takes the rook or moves his queen to other place, then we move the upper rook to e1 check rook has to take than we take the rook with the Queen and it's checkmate