Capablanca’s Chess Puzzle – Episode 12

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Puzzle FEN:
8/q7/8/2pp4/5K2/8/2RN1B1k/8 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
Mario Matous, 2007

👚 Merch:

0:00 – Story
1:04 – Chess Puzzle
14:21 – More story

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  1. I think mittens took partza peter and average joe as she was jealous of bobby playing chess with another cat

  2. BBC NEWS: The havoc wreaked in 2023, the mittens bot that even Magnus Carlsen, the former world champion, refused to play, has been discovered being seen with fisherman Bobby Fischerman. Police are conducting further exploration, but as of now we have no further information.

  3. after looking at it for a logner time capablancas paws look like they have been cut off

  4. but what happens if black plays d2 at the end? arent the checkmates covered then?

  5. idea: after bridge problem they betrayed boby and somehow escaped

  6. Oh, I see why the Rook at the end gets a bit tricky. It's due to the Pawn and your king. Basically you need to leverage black's pawn to block the queen from being able to guard both of your eventual checkmate threats, but the issue is that you have to make sure that the queen is on the 'opposite' side of the pawn (bit weird because it's below the pawn vs to the right of the pawn) as your king, otherwise black can win a turn by putting the queen into the right position with check, getting a turn to move with the pawn. If the Queen moves to E3 before you position your rook, then if the queen ever hits the G file you end up losing, but if the queen doesn't go to E3 first then it's the 2nd rank that you need to keep the queen off of. Definitely a tricky position but a fun puzzle none the less!

  7. This story is like a short animated film, love it!


  9. Im just annoyed his home isnt called casa blanca

  10. Another way (This isn't optional because you can just NOT take the knight): 1.Knighte4, dxe4 2. Bxc5+ (discovered check by the rook) Any of the following:Kh1,Kg1,Kg2,Kg3,Kh3 3. Bxa7

    And you can win no matter what

  11. Me of 200rating: first move = bishop take pawn😂

  12. I can only imagine the dragon will only give the travellers some gold if they can solve a chess puzzle. Of course, I will still tune in to find out

  13. He have cats and he playes chess with his cat and it's name is mittens 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  14. It's easier to visualize than what Nelson explains in the case of Qe3+/d3.
    The positions are symmetrical.
    If you had played Ra6 after the d3 line, the reason it doesn't work is because of some weird check in the second file due to the king being on f2 and not g3

  15. I think the guardian attacked Peter Patzer and Average Joe

  16. Fischer man vs cat pablanca
    Now that's funny

  17. Ne4 pray pawn takes
    After pawn takes knight
    Bx5 and wins queen because of discover check by rook

  18. My guess is that Peter Patzer and Average Joe are at the End of the Road, where another chess puzzle is waiting for them.

  19. Missed opportunity, should've called it caTablanca😂

  20. When the king was to the right of the knight the rook attacked at the left, then when the king was below the knight the rook attacked on the top.

  21. Hah! Was not expecting the Mittens reference.

  22. that whole first convo with Capablanca was gold! the mittens joke caught me by surprise haha nice puzzle, and I appreciate the tip about using knights to block queens from checking.

  23. This story missed a big opportunity for Catablanca, but I dont mind since this is my favorite new series

  24. When you explained the second variation with the pawn you started talking about B6 and then B7 but the previous one is A6 to A7 which I think still works, I'm not sure.

  25. You make this game video as chess's puzzles and finally you make a story!

  26. 3:50 Actually, we don't have to take the queen. White has 4 other legal moves.

  27. This puzzle was decent and fun!. I await for a new episode in this series

  28. The plot is "ramificating". By episode 24 they'll love that island too much to want to go away.

  29. It would be so cool to have "boss levels" at some point. Idk how you would create them but you are a very creative guy nelson you'll find out somehow 😅

  30. If you wanted to make a longer video that goes through more lines, I'd be down to watch that.

  31. story : the pirates
    me : ah the story is about to end
    story : the friends are gone
    me : guess not

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