An Unbelievable Chess Problem 😮

The puzzle FEN:
k7/1pK5/8/3N2P1/8/p2p3n/8/8 w – – 0 1

Puzzle Details:
C. Costantini
2 Comm., L’Italia Scacchistica, 1978

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  1. Thats a tricky one. Requires a bigger brain then I have. Great video Chess Vibes♥

  2. Third chess player: White loses on time trying to find the mate

  3. Amazing, somehow i saw almost every move

  4. I found Qc4, but only because I was worried about checks along the C file

  5. What about instead of moving the king to b6, white moves the knight to f4 which prevents the black night fork on e6? Wouldn't that be a win for white as well?

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