A chess puzzle where white is up a bishop but still needs more than 100 moves to win the game.
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This position is a modified version of a study composed by Otto Blathy in 1890, with the change being the black pawn is moved from a7 to a6 and black’s king from h2 to h1 in the starting position.
If you have any puzzles that are very long and forced, please leave a suggestion in the comments! (Except for the 255 move puzzle because that position is illegal)
Apologies for the late upload today.
0 rated #blunder, #brilliant move, cjxchess17, #chess
2:05 When the only legal move makes the engine bar jump
if just give up a fucking pawn so i can move my dam bishop
I also solved a puzzle like that, it was mate in 130 moves, but it also had a tecnique to solve it
Can someone tell me how is that pawn move a brilliant 1:49
A chess endgame with many pawns for both sides that takes white 70+ moves to win: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7XMNZu5zAU
How come at 2:43 white cant skeewer blacks king and pick up black's newly promoted queen? (By going Qxg5)
Thanks for helping a noob like myself 🙂
What the actual ** this is probably around 100 moves, no exaggeration. Loving your vids!
1:49 so nobody gonna talk about that briloiant pawn move?
Amazing video
Somebody could say something about the amazing brilliant move of 1:49?
Anyone else notice that at 1:49 pawn to g5 is a brilliant move?
1:49 another brilliant move XD
We can win in this position easily by queen to g5 check . King is forced to move . White queen takes black queen . Easy
Well I would def find a way to lose this position in 10 moves.
Nice puzzle but this would never work as black would just always draw
What happened to the Baka Mitai meme
Me: "Welp, seems like it's a draw. Good game. It went pretty well. Let's run an analysis"
The analysis:
Stockfish: 0.00
But it's a mate in 169
Blacks pawn structure is so trash
I'd say it looks like one of my games but I don't go into endgames up a piece
stockfish is trash in front of u r videos
whatever u do it's a draw
1:50 bRiLlIaNt MoVe
Meanwhile Black
B : Just accept the Draw Offer, DAMN IT
at 2:44 can’t white play Qxg5 and skewer the queen or something
Stockfish at 1:48 : g5 is a brilliant move
Achievement unlocked "how did we get here?!"
2:44 QxG5? its a win?
1:49 how tf that pawn to g5 is brilliant stockfish is dumb
yeah so eazy
100 moves without stalemating !!!
Is it me, or in 2:43 position white is winning because they can play Qxg5+ and when the King moves, capture the Queen?
The virgin Stockfish vs the chad Brian TTS
The question isn’t how to win in this position, the real question is why black hasn’t moved their d and e pawns yet…
Buy mic pls. Ivona is so annoying
Wow that's an actual "kind of possible" puzzle which really needs brilliancy to win.
Had I played it with white, I would have just proposed a draw.
2:40 what if bishop takes g5
I'm a bit late, but I have a question: I get that the point of the puzzle is to move the bishop an odd number of times while the black king is stuck between two squares and therefore white can force a pawn move. My point is, that the white king can move quite freely (for instance, it can rotate around e1, e2 and f1 and the moves for the king to come back is 3 (which is an odd number)), so wouldn't a sequence like this get the same result with less moves?
(The moves:
1. Ke1 Kh2 2. Kf1 Kh1 3. Bg1 d6 4. Bf2 Kh2 5. Ke2, and then 5… Kh1 gives the same position with the initial position, and white can repeat.
If black plays 5… Kg2 it is met by 6. Ke1, and then there are several responses by black:
6… Kh3 is met by 7. Ke2 Kh2 8. Kf1 Kh1 9. Bg1 d5, and so on.
6… Kh2 7. Kf1 Kh1 8. Bg1 d5, and so on.
6… Kh1 7. Ke2 Kh2 8. Kf1 Kh1 9. Bg1 d5, and so on.
I haven't fully figured out the 6… Kf3 line but I believe white can make advantage of his ability to delay a move likewise.)
I'm not completely sure about this because black's move Kf3, but maybe this would work and if that is the case, it would be an improvement to the puzzle.
btw I'm really enjoying these puzzles, thank you for the awesome content!
so this doesn't actually work because its way over 50 moves without checks or piece taking
1:48 the first time we see the enemy did i brilliant moves
gowniany filmik
you explain things so well and give the perfect board visuals to aid the explanations i love this channel
Black: pushes pawn
Stock fish: brilliant!
I love endgames like this. Once I even was in the similar position and thanks God my opponent wasn't engine, so he stalemated himself as soon as he could and lost in the next 30 moves, if I recall correctly. Btw is there any source to learn two bishops vs knight endgame? I studied some "easy" positions when losing side should give up his knight in 13 moves. But I want to study Kling and Horwitz position in this endgame and sadly I didn't found much about it.
The opoenent has mate on the next move, and it seems unstopable, however you need to play a3+ then a4+… and promote and win. however you cant play them in a row. maybe that can work
He should've castled his en croissant but that would leave a fork on his own bishop by default, so now it's a mate in over 100 moves.