I’ve seen a lot of chess puzzles, and this one is the coolest of them all. Is this the best chess puzzle ever? See what you think! This puzzle was created by Bodo Van Dehn and published in the German chess composition magazine “Die Schwalbe” in August of 1951.
Internet Chess Club (ICC)
Damn it took me a whole knight to solve this
Mind = blown! I saw that white had to underpromote to a knight at least twice and then clicked play. Beautiful puzzle.
I’m not surprised I did it, I’m surprised I did it in my head
How the hell did kings end up in those positions?
Best puzzle
Very cool puzzle. It reminded me of gliders and reflectors in Conway's Game of Life.
I have solved this within 5 sec
First time I manage one of your puzzle perfectly
I got it easy
What if the king moves to the left and then the black pawn moves down then the white king moves left again then black king moves up then white king moves down then black king moves down then white pawn gets queen and black king moves down and queen goes to h8 and checkmate
The start of a great series
First puzzle i actually got right for once, but i promoted to a queen on the last promotion but still result in checkmate
My fuckin god, I did it!
Imagine this happening in a game…
at g8 you could also promote to a queen or a rook and checkmate at the next move, or the one after that. just wait until the guy gets to f2 🙂
4th one doesn't have to be knight tho knight is fastest.
I got it, I must admit it was a 'eureka' feeling when I did. Great puzzle!
Request you to be specific whenever give any problem to solve, white to play and win or white play and draw , to think in that way for solving the puzzle,
2:30 could have made it a queen and then checkmate on g6 too at the end, gives a queen and pawn checkmate
I solved in one minute and my strength is about 1880
Got it in about 30 seconds…
Cool puzzle for lower rated players though, cause it teaches position is the key and never material
I just solved my first Mate in 11!
Now…how can I do it without first being told that there is a win?
Maybe it's worthwhile for chess-players to close their eyes for a few moments or take a walk, and then return to the board with a "___to move and win" kind of a mentality?
This puzzle is easy because the solution is forced and we know it's there…so this is the easiest we'll ever actually have it…but how will this help us in-game?
The fact remains that when we're live in-game, there must be a process there that is dedicated to sussing out this kind of a thing.
It's worth remembering:
**You can't find what you don't know to look for!!**
Back in chess heaven..
Queen to knight: I guess it's your turn this time. Go back down there and live long this time..
Aftterrr one mooove..
Queen: Awww.. Don't worry. This happens to the best of us.
Super funny😁
That is so hard to solve, one of the most unexpected combinations, but I recently played a game where my opponent had no way to win so I thought until he promoted to a knight and forked my queen & king. I was completely dumbfounded lol
That was truly cool Jerry
just amazing thank for share it Jerry
An obvious precursor to this is Richard K. Guy's 1938 composition that has three knight underpromotions before finally promoting to a queen on white's move 17. The mate wouldn't be until white's move 30. See "chess problems" on Wikipedia's article for "Richard K. Guy" for the position and initial moves.
FEN for anyone interested:
7K/P1p1p1p1/2P1P1Pk/6pP/3p2P1/1P6/3P4/8 w – – 0 1
Four underpromotions in a single puzzle amazing
Got it in 30s. The key is to find a way to give black some moves and promotion to a knight allows a sac on b6, giving 3 extra moves to mate.
After the last sentence in the video i started looking who could be the creator of the puzzle and then i read the title :), very nice 🙂
Great puzzle
So beautiful!
4 times a night
A pretty weird piece of chess notation, ngl.
Awesome thanks
I seen it.
Under promote to 2 knights to avoid stalemate and position them on f7 and f8
A pawn to knight then allow b pawn to be taken to promote c pawn to a 2nd knight. King can move to g8 so don't know why all the moves allowing their pawns to have open space. The king has legal moves no need to let the black pawns roam
This was designed to give at least 1 argument against ''Is there any situation you want to promote to a knight??
Not difficult, but nice.