5 Chess Puzzles Guaranteed To Fool You 🤔

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Puzzle 1 Details
FEN: 5K1B/8/7p/5k1r/8/5PP1/p3P3/8 w – – 0 1
Author: Afansiev, Duizov, 1967

Puzzle 2 Details
FEN: r4n2/p1K5/k7/n2p4/N3Nr2/1PPP4/1P1P3b/8 w – – 0 1
Author: Bent

Puzzle 3 Details
FEN: 7N/6P1/8/8/8/2P3k1/bP5p/7K w – – 0 1
Author: Bernhardt, 1961

Puzzle 4 Details
FEN: 8/p7/8/8/5P2/8/8/2k2K2 w – – 0 1
Author: Birnov, 1970

Puzzle 5 Details
FEN: 6k1/8/n5NK/8/8/1p6/3Bn1N1/8 w – – 0 1
Author: Birnov, 1954

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  1. At puzzle 3, couldn't black just not take the pawn at first mov but go back a square with the bishop instead?

  2. in puzzle 4 when white king moves top left the black king can just block its moves by going top

  3. Black wins in Puzzle 5, after the white knight moves to D6, Black Sacrifices! The Queen, taking the G6 Knight with it, leaving 2 Black Knights vs 1 White Knight along with the kings.

  4. The first puzzle is a good example of how you should always look for the ‘best’ moves and not just the ‘obvious’ moves

  5. Nelson just one thing if black goes to the corner on puzzle 5 THAT IS MATE not Perpetual Check… Swing the other Knight into the space beside and CHECKMATE…

  6. Puzzle #4. First move white king to E2. And what if black respond king to C2??? what next?

  7. In the last scheme, if the king goes to H8, the Knight goes to F6, checkmate

  8. In Puzzle 4, when the white king moves to e2, what happens if the black king moves to c2 ?

  9. I guess the last puzzle would be checkmate as the king moves in the corner another knight can check him and the king can't move as it's squares are captured under white king

  10. In the 4th puzzle when white king moves f1-e2, black moves it’s king from c1-c2, and blocks white king to go to d3. Black I think can manage to get stalemate eventually. Black doesn’t need to let white king move two times just by moving it’s pawn, instead of moving it’s pawn, black has to block the white king’s move to d3, with it’s king to c2. This scenario was not included in this puzzle, which disqualified it as a clear win for white. If black is clever, he/she can get stalemate.

  11. In puzzle 4 , it is still draw after white moves king to e2 if black moves king to b2. Now u tell me how can white win after black moves king to b2 ?

  12. Puzzle 1 Missing Rook to h4 explanation.

  13. I haven't played chess in over 10 years and I just started watching you stuff a week or so ago. I almost never get these puzzles but I saw the first two in less than 30sec each. Maybe I'm learning something lol

  14. Actually third puzzle the bishop can just reroute itself to checkmate 5:36

  15. 4th puzzle seems really obvious, but probably only because it's presented as a puzzle.

  16. I did NOT see the stalemate trap on #1 and I was utterly stumped on #5. I only aced # 2 and 4. I saw the draw on #4 with the immediate pawn race. I also saw the correct first move because it forced black to also expend a king move to prevent the white king from capturing the Black pawn. White could afford two king moves before pawn pushing even though it allowed black to queen because they still held tempo. Now the white king was close enough to render the Black Queen useless and force checkmate.I failed 3 of 5 puzzles but I feel good about #4.

  17. 11:34 The Black King can't go to h8, because if it does White shall play Knight to f7, and it is a CKECKMATE!

  18. In the last one it is good to show why simple Ne7+ with following Nd5, Nc3 does not work

  19. The first puzzle is suspicious, but I got it right on all variations

  20. Alternate Solution to 5: Starts the same: Bishop to C1, knight takes. Knight to E7, check. King has to move.Knight to D5. Pawn to B2.Knight to c3. Knight to E2?From there, you have to bring in the other two knights, and, AFAICT, white's will be able to take out the pawn before black can clear the way. Two knights and a king are stalemate, yes?

  21. The stalemate rule should be rplaced by : the other player plays all next turns untill the player under stalemate has a legal move.

  22. In the 4th puzzle, why not move the queen to f6, attacking black's king, and if they move it, you get the queen.

  23. 11:56 can’t they just move the king they do not have to move the queen

  24. In the 5th puzzle the king can just capture the knight on e7

  25. 4:28 puzzle #3 can't black just move their bishop to b1, ignoring the pawn and force mate with bishop to e4?

  26. A bit late, but in the first puzzle u do not have to get a queen or bishop, you might as well just take a rook or horse, that won't lead to a stalemate and still secure black chances to win.

  27. as an 800 who solved the 4th puzzle (2nd part, how to checkmate with white queen) i feel like im 1400

  28. Puzzle 5:White can win:Checkmate with 2 Knight!

  29. White loses puzzle #3 and here's how. White plays b3, black plays Bb1. Now what? There's nothing stopping Be4#.

  30. 4:51 you are wrong, becaze black can do a waiting move – move to h6 with the king, white have to move the knife, and black checmate

  31. On the fifth puzzle the king going to H8 was a bad idea as Nf7 is checkmate

  32. In puzzle 3 you should give the knight first becuase he could just not capture the knight and if he doesnt capture the knight u queen on the next mobe

  33. Idk why i find this funny but his first word at 1:00 is obviously

  34. puzzle 2 your thinking draw i saw check mate

  35. 6:55 you can play queen e1 and the king cant get in the corner anymore

  36. 9:20 when you play king E2 the black king can go to C2 and block the whote king entirley 💀

  37. the only way to survive as white is pawn to g8 = queen if bishop doesnt take theres a fork so bishop is forced to take the queen then nf7 ill play bishop takes knight on f7 you are forced to play c4 i will take pawn on c4 and any move is checkmate

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